Now Accepting New Patients: (801) 766-4113
Chiropractor in Lehi
Dr. Aaron Walker
Dry Creek Chiropractic and Dr. Aaron Walker have each patient’s best interests at heart in getting them restored to good health through gentle care. The Lehi, Utah chiropractic office is renowned for compassionate personalized care that makes for a happy, healthy family. We provide chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapy, massage therapy, weight loss & wellness services for all members of the family.
We accept most health insurance including Aetna, Altius, Blue Cross Clue Shield, Cigna, EMI Health, First Health, Humana, PEHP and Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah.
Call (801) 766-4113 to schedule an appointment Monday through Friday and we will have you feeling better in no time!

Best Chiropractor in Lehi, Utah
Chiropractic Care
Digital X-Rays
Extremity Adjusting
Massage & Hydromassage
Nutritional Counseling
Weight Loss
Why Choose Dry Creek Chiropractic?
Adjust your health with Dry Creek Chiropractic! We have digital x-rays and help patients recover from painful conditions through chiropractic care, physiotherapy programs and massage therapy. Maintaining good health can be easy with the help of our nutrition and weight loss programs. Patients experiencing headaches, musculoskeletal and soft tissue pain such as back pain, neck pain, joint pain, arm pain, carpal tunnel, sports injuries, and foot pain can find relief and compassionate care at our Lehi chiropractic office.
Our front desk is friendly and efficient in getting you seen right away and our medical team is thorough and experienced. If you have any questions about insurance and course of treatment for your health concern, feel free to schedule a consultation.
Lehi and Highland area communities regard Dr. Aaron Walker and the staff at Dry Creek Chiropractic as the source for pain relief!